Health & Safety Policies

General Statement of Policy:

Our policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees, and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose. We wish to develop and promote a strong health and safety culture within the nursery for the benefit of all staff, children and parents. We also accept our responsibility for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by our activities.

The allocation of duties for safety matters and the particular arrangements which we will make to implement the policy are set out within this policy and sufficient resources will be made available to honour our commitment. The policy will be kept up to date and will be revised annually, or as and when necessary.

Aims and Objectives:

The aim of this policy statement is to ensure that all reasonably practical steps are taken to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all persons using the premises. To achieve this we will actively work towards the following objectives:

  • Establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment throughout the nursery
  • Establish and maintain safe working procedures amongst staff and children
  • Make arrangements for ensuring safety and the absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances
  • Ensure the provision of sufficient information, instruction and supervision to enable all people working in or using the nursery, to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own health and safety at work, and to ensure that they have access to health and safety training as and when provided
  • Maintain a healthy and safe place of work and safe entry and exit from it
  • Formulate effective procedures for use in case of fire and other emergencies and for evacuating the nursery premises
  • Follow the regulations of the Health & Safety and any other relevant legislation. We believe the risks in the nursery environment to be low but to maintain the maximum protection for children, staff and parents/carers we consider it necessary to:
  • Ensure the entrances and exits from the building, including fire exits remain clear at all times
  • Regularly check the premises room by room for structural defects, worn fixtures and fittings or electrical equipment, and take the necessary remedial action
  • Ensure that all staff are aware of the fire procedures and regular fire drills are carried out
  • Ensure that all members of staff are aware of the procedures in case of accidents
  • Ensure that all members of staff take all reasonable action to control the spread of infectious diseases and that they wear protective gloves and clothes where appropriate
  • Prohibit smoking on the premises
  • Prohibit any contractor working on the premises without prior discussion with the officer in charge to negate any risks to the staff or children
  • No inappropriate jewelry to be worn. One pair of stud earrings and wedding/engagement rings are acceptable
  • Dress code is smart and practical with sensible shoes. No nail varnish and all long hair must be tied back at all times
  • No running inside the premises
  • All electrical sockets should be protected by safety plugs, and there should be no trailing wires
  • All cleaning materials/toilet cleaner to be placed out of the reach of children
  • Protective clothing should be worn when serving food
  • Prohibit certain foods e.g. peanuts are not allowed in the nursery
  • Telephone calls must be received before 7:30am if a member of staff is not well enough to attend work
  • All staff should familiarize themselves with the First Aid boxes and know who the appointed First Aider is Ms. Kawthar (Nurse)
  • Children must be supervised at all times
  • NO student should be left unsupervised at any time.


All employees have the responsibility to co-operate with senior staff and the manager to achieve a healthy and safe workplace and to take reasonable care of themselves and others. Neglect of health and safety regulations will be regarded as a disciplinary matter. Whenever a member of staff notices a health or safety problem, which they are not able to put right, they must immediately report to the appropriate person.

Daily contact, monthly staff/planning meetings and health and safety meetings provide consultation between management and employees.

Other health and safety areas are managed by:

  • Safety Training
  • Safety Inspections
  • Risk Assessments


All accidents must be reported immediately to the management. Accident(s) reports must be written correctly, signed by the witness, management, given to parents, and copied for the child’s file. Close supervision of children is the best anecdote to accidents. Use risk management to keep the environment safe and hazard free. Riverwood Nursery strives to provide the best in equipment, that is kept maintained, and in overall good working conditions, so all children will be safe in the classroom, outdoors, or playground areas. Safety is a joint effort of all staff and employees requiring all of us to become risk managers.

Location of accident files are in the children’s personal files in the filing cabinet.

The person responsible for reporting accidents, incidents or near misses is the member of staff who witnesses the incident. They must record it in the Incident Form and report it to the manager. This should be done as soon as the accident is dealt with, while the details are still clearly remembered. The parents must be shown the Incident Report and asked to sign it as soon as they collect their child. The nursery manager must report serious accidents to the registered person for investigation for further action to be taken.

Where medical attention is required the nursery manager should notify the parent as soon as possible whilst caring for the child appropriately.

General Hygiene & Sanitation


Good Hygiene & Sanitation measures are therefore essential to protect both children and staff. This can only be achieved through education and awareness.


Children must be encouraged to wash their hands after every visit to the toilet and always prior to eating. Children should be supervised when washing their hands to ensure hands are thoroughly cleaned. Nursery staff also needs to be aware that contaminated hands are a potential source of spread of infection and in the importance of good hand hygiene procedures. It is important that regular education regarding hand hygiene is given to and available for children to follow, this may be in the form of posters on walls and especially above sinks.

Alcohol hand rubs or gels offer a practical and acceptable alternative to hand washing in most situations, as long as hands are not visibly dirty or have undertaken a dirty procedure e.g. nappy changing. Alcohol is useful for rapid hand decontamination between interaction with children, particularly where access to adequate hand washing facilities may be lacking e.g. in the play rooms. The buildup of emollients (used in the alcohol to moisturize and protect hands), however, means that hands need to be washed with soap and water after 2-3 applications of alcohol hand rub. It is important to note that alcohol is not a cleansing agent, to be used in place of hand washing, and thus visible dirt must be removed with soap and water. Alcohol does not have any lasting action and has limited activity against bacterial spores.


The nursery is committed to providing a safe, happy and healthy environment for children to play, grow and learn. Cleanliness is a vital step to ensure this. The nursery will be cleaned every evening and regular checks will be made in the bathrooms – these will be cleaned twice per day. The nappy changing facility will be cleaned after every use. Any mess caused throughout the day will be cleaned up as necessary to ensure that a hygienic environment is provided for the children in our care.

Kitchen Hygiene

  • Staff need to be aware of the basic food hygiene standards
  • Fridge and freezer temperatures must be recorded first thing by the responsible person
  • All food to be covered at all times in and out of the fridge
  • Fridges to be cleaned out weekly
  • Microwave to be cleaned after each use
  • Freezers to be cleaned out every three months and recorded
  • All opened packets to be dated when opened and placed in an airtight container e.g. baby food, raisins, cereal etc.
  • Blended food should be placed in suitable airtight containers, named and dated
  • Surfaces to be cleaned with anti-bacterial spray
  • Only kitchen cloths to be used. These must be washed daily on a hot wash
  • Windows to be opened as often as possible along with the vents
  • All plugs to be pulled out of their sockets at the end of each day and switches switched off where practicable
  • Where food/milk is prepared for babies there must be a separate area within the kitchen which is specifically designated for this preparation
  • Bottles should be labelled with the child’s name and once cool this should be stored in the refrigerator
  • Bottles and teats should be thoroughly cleaned with hot soapy water and sterilized after use (they should not be washed in the dishwasher)
  • If a bottle is heated by standing it in hot water, this should be done in an area which children do not have access to
  • If dummies are used they should be cleaned and sterilized. This also applies to dummies which have been dropped
  • Sterilizer to be washed out daily
  • All cupboards to be cleaned out monthly
  • Doors/gates to the kitchen to be kept closed at all times

Healthy Work Place

At Riverwood Nursery we like to promote healthy eating. We ask for parents to assist us in our efforts and request that they pack healthy snacks and lunches for their Children and no sweets, chocolates, crisps or cakes.

Providing Meals

Refrigerated goods are kept in a fridge until ready to be served. All staff are required to wash their hands and wear disposable gloves prior to serving the students their food. Bibs are provided for those who require them. Items which are to be heated are done so in a microwave oven.

All food is served in the kitchen and on a plate. Children are encouraged to self-feed with the assistance of the Staff should it be required.

Certain foods i.e grapes should be cut in half prior to serving. Those foods which are discouraged from the Nursery will not be served.

The nursery is committed to providing a workplace, which supports and encourages a healthy staff team through sharing information, training and family friendly issues

Child Protection Policy


To make children well protected, the parents and staff must be aware of security and safety issues and to minimize the hazards and risks to enable the children to thrive in a secure and safe environment.


  • Check students temperature as they come in to the nursery
  • Checking for hazards and risks indoors and outside, and in our activities and procedures.
  • Deciding which areas need attention;
  • Developing an action plan that specifies the action required the timescales for action, the person responsible for the action and any funding required.
  • Systems are in place for the safe arrival and departure of children. The times of the children's arrivals and departures are recorded.
  • The arrival and departure times of adults - staff, volunteers and visitors – are recorded.
  • The personal possessions of staff and volunteers are securely stored during sessions.

Child Supervision


To ensure that staff are aware that every child in attendance at Riverwood Nursery and must be supervised by a staff at all times.


All children who attend school, upon arrival or departure to school, must be marked in or out on the daily attendance, in addition to the recording of daily arrival and departure at the school.

Daily attendance sheets must also record all children that are absent, on vacation, or absent due to illness.

Attendance books are to be kept with each group of children at all times.

When beginning a shift staff must confirm verbally with the supervising staff on duty, the number of children in attendance and check this against the attendance clipboard.

This same procedure must be completed when leaving or returning from breaks, lunches, etc.

Head counts of children are to be completed on a frequent basis throughout the day, minimally 2 to 3 times per hour. Head counts are to be checked against the attendance book.

Head counts must be completed before and after a transition with a group of children from one activity area to another (e.g. Playroom to Playground).

In addition to headcount, when a group of children are in transition from one activity area to another, staff must retain close visual supervision of the children at all times during the transition (e.g. Children should not run ahead of the group). All completed attendance sheets must be kept on file.